Ebook BookesGestión del Patrimonio Familiar (Spanish Edition)

[libro gratis ebook.mwcJ] Gestión del Patrimonio Familiar (Spanish Edition)

[libro gratis ebook.mwcJ] Gestión del Patrimonio Familiar (Spanish Edition)

[libro gratis ebook.mwcJ] Gestión del Patrimonio Familiar (Spanish Edition)

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[libro gratis ebook.mwcJ] Gestión del Patrimonio Familiar (Spanish Edition)

Do you have clear concepts of inheritance and family Are you ready to design a strategic plan to preserve and even increase equity while securing the foundations of a structure and keeping your family safe and secure for generations If your answers are no, then this is the book that will take you out of that doubt. The decision to pool resources and align life goals is a challenge that goes beyond the application of the classic recipe of investment management. You should reflect on both individual and family goals, as well as aligning resources and energy of the family in a direction consistent with common goals.
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